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  • Writer's pictureHarry Friell


Although Lady Luck wasn’t shiny at the weekend I still had an awesome weekend @pfikarting.

Qual - 16th but due to coming over scales at 102.8 was disqualified for being underweight

Heat 1 - had to start from last made up 5 places before I was clipped by another kart sending me up the bank leaving me pretty much last again and over 3 seconds off the next pack, managed to chase them down but not enough time to get many overtakes in finishing 30th.

Heat 2 - again had to start from the back, chased the packs down and finished a respectable 24th.

Final - after being disqualified in qualifying and being knocked off track in heat 1 I knew it was going to be a tough final starting from 28th but with grid positioning being incorrect this didn’t help the mission ahead. Rain had been threatening but as usual waited until about the 2nd lap until it decided to come down and come down it did…with torrential rain whilst out on slicks it made for some exciting racing…kart felt awesome even in the slippery conditions and I was happy to continue but the race was red flagged just as I’d caught up to the group in front and started overtaking …finishing 25 but defo felt that without penalty and accident I could have definitely been mid pack.

Well done to my team mates @owen65neave @harrytaylorracing @albielapperracing29 @jshez40

Thanks to @calhardgrave @c.h.d.d for all the advice and @kartpix for the awesome

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