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  • Writer's pictureHarry Friell

Rowrah P17

Our first trip to Rowrah in Cumbria was extremely interesting to say the least.

Friday rained and we got some decent lap times in and learnt the lines.

Saturday we were 2 seconds off the pace at the start of the day and by Quali we were 2 tenths off the pace as dad and Gary started to sort the kart out. Qauli was a strange one, half the grid did not have working transponder so I am not sure how they worked out who came where. We qualified 12 but started 14th and it would appear that if you didn’t have a transponder, you were promoted up the grid? Heat 1 I was smashed off the track but drove back up the order. 5 karts were disqualified for non-compliance but were able to race on! Heat 2 & 3 was pretty much a similar event. The final I was pushed onto the grass by the same driver that ruined my final last month at Warden Law (not in this picture) . There was a lot said about non-contact but surprising there were no penalties handed out which was shame as it left a sour taste to what should have been a great event. Thanks as always to my sponsors

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